Prof.N.Abul Faiz started his career as News Presenter, then has produced and presented Entertainment Programmes like Interview and Chat shows with Film Fraternities, Medical LIVE programmes, Social and Political discussions and Interview shows.
He has appeared in Commercial Ads and done the character role in the field of CINEMA. Also serving as an Advisor and Educational Consultant for Mass Communication departments of various educational institutions in India.
Though there is a vast experience in Media Professor Abul Faiz had been working as Associate Professor and Head, The Dept. of Visual Communication(Post Graduate Dept.), The New College, Chennai, India for 15 years. The department labs, studios and whole block of the department was designed by his advice and also his contribution in the staff appointment and enhancement of the department.
The Event Management for the 9th & 10th Chennai International Film Festival, was done by the students of Visual Communication, The New College under his guidance as H.O.D.(Refer the blog ‘Vis.Com. The New College’). Later he became DEAN, School of Media Studies, Hindusthan College, then became ADVISOR, School of Media Studies, Patrician College of Arts Science.
He started ‘AF School of News Reading’ in 2003 ( in which he imparts training for News Presentation, RJ, VJ, TV Journalism, News Production and Broadcasting.
Also he served as English Lecturer. English Communication Enhancer and specialised Professional Trainer for English Accent. Accent and style of presentation training is given to English News Presenters of TV & Radio channels, the reputed Company Officers and other Employees. Also such accent training is introduced in schools and colleges through his academy.